Examining the link between weak core muscles and low back pain in core health

Low Back Pain

Recognising the Core
It’s essential to comprehend the make-up and importance of the core muscles before exploring the connection between weak cores and low back discomfort. The core is a collection of muscles that support the spine and give it stability, strength, and flexibility. It is not only about getting the famous six-pack abs. These muscles include the pelvic floor muscles, erector spinae, multifidus, internal and external obliques, rectus abdominis, and transverse abdominis.

The Spinal Stability and Core
In order to maintain spinal stability and appropriate alignment, the core muscles are crucial. By supporting the spine, relieving pressure on the lower back, and limiting excessive movement and stress on the vertebrae, a strong core functions as the body’s natural corset. On the other hand, a weak core cannot

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